Principal Consultant

Adebayo (Isaiah) Okunlola is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Megayield Nigeria Limited. He is an ExxonMobil trained and certified Advanced Expert; Exploration, Development and Production (ED&P) Geoscientist. He retired in December 2015 as Senior Geoscience Advisor and Technical Team Lead of ExxonMobil Production Company Affliate in Nigeria; Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited after over 20 years cognate experience in upstream oil and gas industry. He has experience working in West Africa and North America handling shallow and deep water projects in Angola Lower Congo and Nigerian Niger Delta sedimentary basins across Exploration, Development and Production phases of the Oil and Gas business. Adebayo is certified as a Geoscientist (GEM000277) by The Council of Nigerian Mining and Geoscientists (COMEG).